Brighten Up That Mug!

Hi boys and girls!!!! Its time for some highlights!!!  Highlights ironically does exactly what it is suppose to do,,, HIGHLIGHT your face!!!! highlighting/contouring accomplishes several goals: slims your face, accents certain facial features and brings light to your cheeks and t-zone.  To begin, you have a few options, you can highlight before your foundation or after you have applied the foundation.  I like you highlight after my foundation has been applied. Now, there are SEVERAL different highlighting products that can be used. Make sure that whatever you use, it is at least 2 or 3(if your bold) shades LIGHTER than your true complexion...
I use Mac Pro concealer 

Next, you want to apply some concealer under your eyes making a v-shape onto your cheeks, on your chin and your t-zone.  The "higher" the highlight, the more concealer you will need to use.  The amount of product ultimately is up to you but keep in mind the more product you use, the more blending is required....
I used a flat foundation brush to apply

Now, BLENDDDDDD BABY!!!! I used a flat foundation brush to blend but you can use a concealer brush or a sponge.   Whatever you decide to use, make sure to blend, blend and blend some more. Also, be careful when using a brush, some brushes can cause lines if you are not careful.
Make sure to blend!!!!!

Once you have blended the highlight into the places you applied it to, now you can apply your pressing powder.  If you want a even more finishing look, make sure to add a little blush and some contour bronzer in the mix. It will help brighten up your face and tone the look of your face.  That's it!!!! Please share with me other techniques you may use for highlighting and contouring!!!

Remember to live and be Great!!!!!!!
