It's a fedora kinda day!!!!

Hey boys And girls!!! I wanted to talk about a super cool and cute accesory that can be worn when your dressed up ready for the chic life in the city or dressed down for a more casual stroll in the park!! What am I talking about??? FADORAS!!!!!! A fedora is great way to pull a certain type of look together. It brings depth and cohensive to your outfit. I personally like wearing my FADORAS down over my eye slightly to give me a more sophisticated look, but it is such a diverse piece, you can wear it on the back of your head to open your face up creating a more casual look! Another great thing about fadoras is that it is a year round piece. There are winter/fall fadoras and Summer/spring fadoras. Because they can be worn all year, it is super simple to pair this hat with several looks!!! Not to mention it will cover up the bad hair day you are Having!!! Tell me how you like to wear your fadora.. Remember to Live and be Great!!!!!!
