Spring is in the Air!!!! and so is Pollen!!!

Hi everyone!!! As you may know, Spring is here and doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon!!  With Spring comes Spring fashion and trends.  I am so excited about the new and upcoming trends this Spring..... but there are some NO NOs we need to discuss!  Some trends are timeless, they never go out of style, while others have their 15 minutes and leave as quickly as they came.   THEN you have certain trends that run their course but some people don't want to put them to rest and here they are....

1.  linen.... just about linen anything will get a HUGE X.  Linen was of great use back in the 90s, but now it just seems out of place.  Wearing a matching set is even worse!  Linen material is hot and simple not very flattering.... sorry

2.  fishnet..... Let's be clear... certain fishnet is definitely not fashionable, but I wouldn't put all fishnet in the NO pile.  Wearing fishnet anywhere other than in stockings is not trendy.  There are other material that can breath just as well, if not better that are Spring ready.  Please don't fall victim of the fishnet!

3.  The last thing I want to discuss is the wrong makeup!  For some reason, some people think Spring time means bright colors, bright shadows and bright lips and create a face full of valuations.  Granted... Spring does warrant vibrant fresh popping colors but that does not mean to put any and all colors together.  Make up, like your outfit should be cohesive and be put together as natural as possible.

These are just my top three NO NOs this Spring.  Tell me what you should not make the Spring Season trends.  Remember to Live and be Great!!!!  
