SPRAY!! for your LYFE!

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Hi everyone!  We are here yet again for another great blog post!  I hope that you are enjoying my 21 days of blogging, if you haven't already, please go and check out my previous post.... they are LYFE!  Any who, let's get into setting spray... and no i do not mean for our hair.  A great tool to have in your makeup arsenal is a good setting spray.  Setting spray is what locks in your ENTIRE face of makeup  so the nothing moves!  Setting spray is essential because it is what keeps all of the products you have used in their rightful place.  Now, yes you use eye primer, face primer. lip primer and every other primer to keep things still, however, setting spray locks EVERYTHING in place all at the same time!  Here is what i use, keep in my mind,this is the only setting spray i have used to date.  I like to stick to what i know, so it is a bit difficult to venture out sometimes to explore different products, with that being said, i do not have anything to compare this too!!

i use the e.l.f. cosmetic Makeup Mist and spray: {$2.99}it is 2oz, moisturizes and soften the skin; this spray has the ingredients aloe, green tea, cucumber and vitamins A, C and E.  It is versatile and can be used daily to re-freshen and soothe your skin.

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I love this mist because it is extremely affordable and very lightweight.  It definitely gets the job done and easy to use:
1. apply your makeup to your liking
2. spray the e.l.f. cosmetic makeup mist and spray all over your face to seal the makeup in place

Remember in all that you do, live, love and be Great!
